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I think my house IS haunted!  What now?



  1. First things first-DON'T PANIC!  

  • Stay calm, hauntings are NOT like you see in the movies!  

2.   Rule out rational explanations.  

  • Almost all of the signs of a haunting can have perfectly natural causes.  The human mind and senses are easily fooled and people often mistake explainable occurences in their home for the paranormal.  

  • Noises could be your house settling, the plumbing or even mice, squirrels or bats.  Opening and closing doors could be faulty hinges or caused by drafts.  Disappearing & reappearing objects could just be carelessness, forgetfulness, children or pets.  Shadows could be just that - shadows caused, for example, by a passing car's headlights.

  •  As real as some of these things might seem to you, they really could be just products of your imagination.  Of course, the more extreme the phenomena, the harder they are to dismiss.  And if multiple people experience the same things, these occurences are likely to be taken more seriously.

3.   Get help in finding rational explanations for the phenomena.

  • A plumber might help you find the cause of that banging.  An electrician may find a short causing your lights to flicker.  A carpenter can fix that door from closing on its own.  A friend or neighbor might be able to look at your particular experience in a different way and offer a reasonable explanation for your "haunting" that you might not have thought of.  In short, make every possible effort to prove that your house is not haunted.

4.   Document the occurences.

  • If you feel you have ruled out rational explanations for the phenomena that are taking place in your house, and they are still occurring on a more or less regular basis, document them.  Keep a journal of the phenomena as they happen. ie: (date & time) bathroom light turned on, went to see who was in there, no one was so I turned the light back off. At (date & time) bathroom light turned on again-still no one there.

  • If you hear unexplained noises, attempt to record them with a portable tape recorder.  If there are physical phenomena of any kind, photograph or videotape them.  Keep your journal, recording and camera equipment readily available so you can document the phenomena as it happens.

5.   Contact the experts.

  • When should you contact a paranormal investigation team?  Only when you have ruled out any rational explanations for the phenomena you are experiencing and are thoroughly convinced that your house is truly haunted.  Of course, if the phenomena are extreme and you feel that you and your family are in any kind of physical or psychological danger, you should request our help right away!



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