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Hauntings Explained:


One in three people claim to have experienced frightening supernatural events that cannot be explained using the current laws of science. Reports of these paranormal events have ranged in severity from simply hearing unexplained sounds, witnessing the movement of small objects, to threatening growls that seems to come from everywhere, and physical attacks that even include pushing, shoving, hitting and scratching.


Residual Haunting

Some in the paranormal field believe that emotionally charged events can leave an imprint on physical objects or the location itself. The energy imprint repeats consistently, as if on a loop, just like a record player playing over and over. These residual haunting are the most common type of paranormal activity reported. Most people may hear voices or other sounds and may even see an apparition. But there is no entity present and the energy imprint will not respond or initiate contact.


Intelligent Haunting

By contrast, a more active haunting will involve a paranormal event that does respond to environmental stimuli and direct contact. These “intelligent” hauntings respond to direct actions and are aware of their current surroundings. An intelligent haunting may occur for several reasons but these paranormal events are more likely linked to a particular location because of the emotional influence and familiarity. The paranormal activity may centered around a location, object, or person. Regardless, the entities have decided to remain in the environment and are likely to continue the haunting.


Poltergeist Haunting

The term poltergeist is from the German words, poltern (to knock), and geist (spirit). Poltergeist activity tends to occur around a single person called an agent or a focus. Some poltergeists have the ability to articulate themselves and to have distinct personalities, which suggests some sort of self-awareness and intent. Generally, poltergeist activity starts and stops abruptly and the duration of this activity may extend over several hours or even several months. However, in a few cases, poltergeist activity has been reported to last several years. The activity occurs mostly at night when an agent or focus person is present. Poltergeist activity is known to have caused interference with telephones, electronic equipment, and turning lights or appliances on and off. Some poltergeists are said to pinch, bite, hit and sexually attack the living.


Most common types of activity theorized to be associated with poltergeists include:

  • moving or throwing of objects including large pieces of furniture

  • loud noises and shrieks

  • vile smells


No matter the type of haunting, always remember:

Fear is a common human response to the unexplained. The unknown is almost always frightening to people and the paranormal is the ultimate unknown. After all, we don’t really understand the mysteries of death and what happens after. Situations can also get out of hand when one person is scared and the people they're with feed off of that emotion until everyone is reacting.


Something that everyone involved needs to keep in mind, is that in most cases, the paranormal can’t hurt you. There are exceptions, but these are exceedingly rare, and the chances of encountering one of these entities is not common. A person runs a much greater chance of injury by running into something after fleeing in a blind panic from a paranormal entity, real or imagined.

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