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Is My House/Business Haunted?


For some, there is no doubt that their home is "haunted"-for others, they may not be so sure (or they remain skeptical) if the things happening in their home are being caused by something of the paranormal realm, or if it's simply their imagination or a coincedence.  If you aren't sure, answer our questions below, then read what you should do next if your house does indeed appear to be haunted.



  1. Do you hear unexplained noises in your home such as footsteps, scratching or knocking on walls or whispers?

  2. Do you hear your name being called when no one else is home?

  3. Do children in your home have an abnormal amount of conversations with imaginary friends?

  4. Do doors open/close on their own?

  5. Do lights or electronic equipment turn on/off on their own?

  6. Do items get knocked off shelves or broken/thrown?

  7. Do items disappear, only to reappear somewhere else later?

  8. Do you sometimes see movement or shadows in your peripheral vision?

  9. Do photos taken in the home ever show odd forms, lights, mists or shapes?

  10. Do you ever experience unusual cold/hot spots in the home?

  11. Do you feel like you are being watched?

  12. Do smells (such as perfume, tobacco, etc.) come and go with no known cause?

  13. Have you experienced other physical evidence such as handprints, footprints, writing on paper or walls?

  14. Do pets ever act strangely for no apparent reason, or act afraid to enter certain areas of the home?

  15. Have you noticed sudden negative personality changes in family members without explanation?

  16. Is anyone in the home finding unexplained bruises or scratches.

  17. Have there been any deaths in the home or on the property?

  18. Has anyone used a ouija board or practiced black magic in the home?

Did you answer YES to 5 or more of the above questions?  There's a good chance you are experiencing a a haunting. What now? Read about the types of hauntings, check out our tips & request a FREE investigation!

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